Package net.sf.jmatchparser.util.csv.fieldreader

This package contains the FieldReader class and classes that are used by it.


Interface Summary
FieldEnum<T> Interface to be implemented by an Enum type that should be used by the EnumFieldReader.
FieldReaderErrorCode An error code of the Field reader, as returned in a FieldReaderException.

Class Summary
EnumFieldReader<K extends FieldEnum<V>,V> A FieldReader that uses an Enum that implements FieldEnum as its field type.
FieldDefinition<T> A definition of a field of the FieldReader, as seen from the perspective of the "consumer" that uses the parsed data.
FieldReader<K,V> A parser that can be used to parse different CSV files into the same set of records.
FieldReaderException.FieldReaderExceptionInfo<K,V> Additional information about a field reader exception.
FieldSource A description of the "source" from where data should be filled into the field, as seen from the perspective of the "provider" that provides the CSV files.
FieldSourceFactory Class to create field sources from another CSV file.
ParseFormat<T> A format for parsing a String to an object of a possibly different type.
SimpleFieldDefinition A FieldDefinition that does not use an additional Format, and therefore always produces Strings.

Enum Summary
FieldDefinition.MandatoryState Mandatory state of a field.
FieldSource.EmptyAction How to treat a field source that returns an empty string.
FieldSourceFactory.FieldSourceFactoryFields Fields used in the CSV file for defining field sources

Exception Summary
FieldReaderException Thrown when a field has a value that cannot be parsed.

Package net.sf.jmatchparser.util.csv.fieldreader Description

This package contains the FieldReader class and classes that are used by it.

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